Archive for September, 2011

Finally, managed to get my head down and pull together some work.

First out of the gate is Art by Shinkei: Modern Zombies 1. This stock art pack brings 11 images from John Picots excellent Year of the Zombie work, priced at $4.00 with license to us in fan work or other publications. Available now from RPGNow

I have also got a new Stockart Covers product ready, expect this in a few days as well as more art from John.

For those who need a reminder of some of Johns work I have also created 3 new Desktop Wallpapers for Year of the Zombie, which can be downloaded for free from the links below.

Anyway, night all.

John (more…)

Well, not a lot of new progress on products. As the title suggests, real work is getting in the way of publishing work. With 35k students all poised to return to Uni in 3 weeks, it’s all hands on deck getting everything ready, so I have been more than a little tired this week after work.

In addition our best mates got married on Tuesday, so Monday and Tuesday were right offs as far as writing was concerned.

On a more positive note, I have started a new floorplan set. Master Plan: Modern – Homes and Apartments will give a number of small houses and apartments, all nicely decorated and furnished. I am aiming this product at two distinct uses. Firstly the clean version can be used for burglary and such for our more nefarious characters, and a dirty version (blood splats optional) will be ideal for scavenging locations for a Post Apocalypse or YotZ game.

I am also trying out a new idea with this set of floorplans. Over the years I have built quite a few mapping objects, and for this set I am going to include the png files the objects used in the plans as well as the plans themselves. Hopefully, gm’s will find these useful for drawing their own maps. Who knows, but opinions are always welcome.

Finally, I have started on layout of Marauders 2 for YotZ so this should be with us in the next week or so.

Night all
